Aqeeqah Celebration

Aqeeqah is one of the Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad PBUH and is celebrated at on the joyous occasion of the birth of a child by parents. They celebrate it by slaughtering two animals (goat/Sheep) for boys and one animal (goat/sheep) for girls. It is mustahab to perform aqeeqah for child on seven day after the child is born.

Assalam Welfare Foundation celebrates the aqeeqah on behalf of donors in extremely poor areas of Afghanistan. Cooked food including meat and rice is served and there is collective prayer (Dua) for the bright future of the child and best rewards for the parent that donate Aqeeqah to feed the needy. Donate your aqeeqah to feed brothers and sisters in Afghanistan in some of the most deprived parts of Afghanistan. Jazakumullahu Khair.

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