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Assalam Welfare Foundation Afghanistan, established in October 2009, works as an independent, registered, non-governmental, non-profit, non-ethnic, non political and charitable organization.
It works under a sound constitution and participatory approach involving the community in the decision-making processes.



Assalam Welfare Foundation, as a non-government, non-political and nonprofit organization works for the well being of people in need in Afghanistan regardless of race, color, political affiliation, gender or belief & without expecting anything in return from them, through supporting education and health-care initiatives, people with disabilities, sponsoring orphans and widow, provision of clean drinking water, agriculture and livelihood programs, construction of mosques, educational institutions, hospitals and other relief and development services. This is done by raising funds and partnering with other nonprofit and related organizations from the government and private sectors and through establishing a network of professional and devoted employees and volunteers.
We struggle for poverty-free Afghanistan where everyone lives with peace and dignity having access to all basic needs of life

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