Education Support
Education is a key to breaking the cycle of poverty and sustainable development in a country, unfortunately, due to nearly four decades of wars and conflict, the education system in Afghanistan has been damaged and several generations of Afghans became illiterate.
With the recent improvements and developments in many sectors including education, millions of children in Afghanistan have still been out of school, vast majority of who are girls. According to UNICEF,” an estimated 3.7 million children are out-of-school in Afghanistan – 60% of them are girls.”
Assalam is therefore committed to working with communities, local and international organizations and line government departments to support education with special focus on girl’s education in remote areas of the country. The priorities are:
- Construction of new buildings for schools especially in isolated and disadvantaged areas of the country.
- Repair and maintenance of existing structures
- Equipping schools and higher education institutions with furniture, computer labs and other necessities.
- Providing poor and out of school students with school kits (books, school bags, stationary, uniform, shoes etc)
- Educating females by establishing separate schools, colleges and universities for them.
- Arranging vocational training courses for adults.
- Teachers’ trainings for decreasing schools dropout rates and better chances for higher education.
- Working on improvement of water and sanitation in school under Assalam’s WASH Program.