Health care

Due to deteriorating health facilities in the country as the health infrastructure is frail and is restricted to big cities, most of the people die from a variety of infectious and parasitic diseases, such as diarrhea, respiratory infections, tuberculosis, diphtheria, poliomyelitis, malaria, measles and malnutrition, and many children die due to pregnancy and delivery disorders.

Assalam Welfare Foundation serves the people;

  • By establishing health centers, mobile clinics, and vaccination centers for vaccination against fatal diseases.
  • By organizing Free medical camps curing diseases and disabilities
  • By establishing emergency relief centers in the areas where a free ambulance and other first-aid medicines may be available for the civilians.
  • The foundation also launches health awareness campaign in Afghanistan to make the general public aware of the basics of health and hygiene.
  • Working with civil society, the community leaders, and other stakeholders to protect healthcare so that people affected by natural disasters and conflicts have access to the required health services.

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