Orphans & Vulnerable Children Sponsorship

An orphan is child who has lost his/her father. Afghanistan being one of the poorest and war-Torn countries has more than two million children orphaned. Due to the on-going war in the country, this number increases each day without. Vast majority of these children has no one to support them. They have to work for a small amount per day to support their families and grow up without education. Assalam, in order to help these children go to school instead of working for a very small amount and have a bright future like other children, has started orphan sponsorship program in which orphans are sponsored on monthly/annual basis. The goal to help the family in fulfilling their need for food, school and health necessities of the orphan and his/her brothers and sisters and enable them to go to school and therefore, first condition for an orphan to be eligible for sponsorship, the child must be orphan without any one to support him/her and will be going to school. The child progress at school and improvement in life condition is evaluated and share with sponsor at the end of each academic year.

Presently, Assalam Welfare Foundation sponsors 69 orphans in Kunar with kind support from DM-Aid. The organization also supports the orphanages establish with the help of MoLSA at Sawki district of Kunar Provinces in 2017 where 72 orphans children study and live.

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